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Laura Rodriguez
Retired Sheriff Correctional Lieutenant
"Joe Grasso’s "Survive The Danger" seminar set my mind at ease, knowing that my daughters and myself will not be easy prey for anyone trying to do us harm. We are confident in our knowledge of fending off a perpetrator."

Brenna R.
College Student
Joe’s "Survive The Danger" Seminar taught me so much! I feel empowered knowing that I can trust my instincts in all situations!
Dom W.
US Army Vet AI Engineer
Coming from a military background, I understand the importance of readiness and vigilance. That's why I signed up for Joe's Survive the Danger seminar. This class isn't going to turn you into an Army Ranger, but it will give you practical knowledge and tactics that you can use to survive should you find yourself in a dangerous situation.

Chris Berg, Retired Police Detective and award-winning author of The Night Police, The Bleeding & Twilight At Wolife's
Joe Grasso’s SURVIVE THE DANGER is a game-changer in personal security. I’ve known Joe over thirty years as both a former police officer and expert in self-defense. The SURVIVE THE DANGER approach is accessible and informative, ensuring that people of all ages and fitness levels can protect themselves confidently in real-world situations. Comprehensive, practical self-defense techniques combined with security analysis, psychological insights, and legal defense strategies are Joe’s secret sauce. SURVIVE THE DANGER is ideal for the 99 percent of the population that’s never taken any combat training.

Brian C.
Retired Executive
"Based upon the current environment in our country, now is the time to ensure your personal safety. The information provided in this seminar will increase your crime awareness and help protect both you and your family. Don't delay. Take the first step to help yourself!

Paul Smith - CAPT, USCGR (retired), maritime counter-terrorism advisor to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Supervisory Special Agent, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (retired), National Special Response Team, Region 5, team leader and instructor. Co-author of the award winning book series The Night Police.
"As a young policeman I worked the nighttime streets with Joe Grasso. Even in those early years Joe had a mastery of the art of dealing with the criminally violent, and he taught me things that have kept me alive across four decades of law enforcement and numerous military deployments. If Joe Grasso tells you something about survival, you can take it to the bank."